Oct 1, 2020

Is Transitioning To Startup From Corporate A Good Career Move?

Kristin Kerr

o you’ve graduated post-secondary, taken some time to travel, and now it’s time to get into the working world. Since a young age, your family has been asking you those stressful questions like “what do you want to be when you grow up”, or “what sort of company do you see yourself working for after graduating?” Aside from the stress that comes with answering these questions, there’s also a ton of pressure placed on your shoulders and you’re often left wondering what the best decision for you is.

Most people you meet and talk will tell you to join a big company, a recognized brand. A lot of the time, we have this perception that a good career is built around big companies. Most of us, at least, while starting a career, dream to be a part of a glamorous sounding fortune 500 company. Lucky for you, you have a couple of different job offers on the table.

On one hand, is a high-paying entry-level position at a very well-known organization. On the other hand is an offer from a small-sized startup that’s just getting things rolling. Do you take the risk of joining a startup or take the corporate job? Here are 5 reasons why making the transition to startup, whether it’s your first gig, or your 5th gig, is a great career move.


Unlike well-established corporate companies with departments of various sizes, startups are a great place to build upon your existing skill sets, while also gaining experience in many other areas. As the company grows, so will your work responsibilities and career advancement. Definitely an empowering place to be when you're fresh out of school or if your last role was strictly focused on one scope of work. 


Learning from the best

When working for a large corporate company, you might know the name of the CEO but never actually interact with them. Startup founders are innovative by nature and are some of the best colleagues to learn from. They are constantly finding solutions and are driven to make the most out of their time and work. Every startup has true innovators involved, and just by joining one, you’ll learn more than you ever imagined you would. 



Those corporate days when your hard work goes unrecognized, or worse, when your boss takes credit for it is OVER. At a startup, it’s almost impossible not to notice a job well done or to give credit where credit is due. When the team says “we couldn’t have done it without you”, you’ll know they really mean what they’re saying. Startups are also often able to bonus their employees for a job well done and not tied down to strict budgets like bigger companies.


Most startups are small, hence the name. This means you’ll get the opportunity to know your colleagues on a personal level and get that close-knit family work feel. On the note of culture, can we also point out that the majority of startups have a VERY casual dress code, casual communication, pet friendly, and often lets you drink alcohol on the job. Gotta love that. 


Stock options

When startups tell you that you’ll be a part of it all, they are dead serious. Yes, working for a startup could potentially mean a lower salary than the corporate route, but there are other benefits to consider, including stock options which can have a huge upside for you, depending on the company’s success. Learn about your stock options early and take advantage of them. Future you will be thankful. 

Now every startup isn’t going to be the exact same, but the overall umbrella often is. If you’re contemplating joining the startup life, ask yourself “am I inspired by their product or idea?” If you really think the transition will act as a good learning opportunity for you, then beyond doubt go ahead and join them. If not, trust your gut and move on to another opportunity, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

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